The Community Safety Partnership is the crime and disorder reduction group for the borough. This group brings together key senior representatives from partner organisations working on the crime and safety agenda in the borough.

For more information, email [email protected]

Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs)

When someone has died as a result of domestic violence, a multi-agency review is carried out. Professionals who have not been involved in the case must review what happened so that we can identify what needs to be changed to reduce the risk of it happening again in the future.

If a domestic homicide takes place in Warrington, Cheshire Police will make sure the right people in the Community Safety Partnership are told as quickly as possible. After this initial notification, a decision will be made about whether we need to have a Domestic Abuse Related Death Review (previously known as a Domestic Homicide Review) using the Home Office guidance.

Domestic Homicide Review - June 2017

The partnership commissioned a review into in the involvement of public services following a domestic homicide case in 2014. The Warrington DHR panel, with an independent chair, was created to carry out the review and produced a report and action plan.

The review took place to make sure that any lessons could be learned and that services could be improved to help reduce the risk of tragedies happening again in the future.

The review report and action plan were then submitted to the Home Office for consideration and actions continued to be carried out across services.

The Home Office has undertaken a quality assurance process and is satisfied with the report and action plan. Copies of the action plan and the Home Office panel response are available.

Domestic Homicide Review Published October 2014

The Community Safety Partnership commissioned a review into in the involvement of public services following a domestic homicide case in 2012. The Warrington Domestic Homicide Review Panel (DHR) with an independent chair was created to carry out the review and produced a report and action plan.

The review took place to make sure that any lessons could be learned and that services could be improved to help reduce the risk of tragedies happening again in the future.

The review report and action plan were then submitted to the Home Office for consideration and actions continued to be carried out across services.

10 December 2024