Discretionary relief
We have discretion to grant rate relief of up to 100 per cent on properties occupied by certain non-profit making bodies:
- Registered charities should apply for mandatory rate relief of 80 per cent first. We may top it up to 100 per cent relief at our discretion.
- Non-profit making businesses can also apply for discretionary relief.
- The cost of discretionary relief is met by the Council so we will look at your organisations commitment to Warrington.
Applying for the relief
Applications for discretionary relief should be supported by copies of:
- Your organisation’s main purposes and objectives, as set out in, for example, a written constitution, a memorandum of association, or set of membership rules;
A full set of audited accounts relating to the two years preceding the date of application. Where audited accounts are not available, projected accounts figures should be provided instead.
To apply please complete our Relief Application Form and email to [email protected]
Potentially eligible businesses will have had the relief automatically added to their account and had an amended bill issued.
If having read the eligibility criteria in the reliefs policy document and State Aid Rules you do not qualify for the relief, you must complete the Refusal of Discretionary Relief form so that the relief can be withdrawn.
If after reading the Policy document you feel that your business meets the qualifying criteria for the scheme and have not yet had a Business Rates bill showing that the relief has been awarded, you can make an application by completing the form below.