The Educational Psychology service is a statutory service working within the Families and Wellbeing Services.
We work in partnership with Education, Social Care, Health and the voluntary sector to apply psychology in order to promote wellbeing and attainment in all the children and young people of Warrington.
About Our Service
We are a group of qualified Educational Psychologists who are registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC), alongside trainee Educational Psychologists. We also have a number of HCPC registered Educational Psychologists in an associate capacity, and two administrative assistants that are a great support to our team.
We believe that:
• Children and young people have a right to have their views heard and taken into account when planning for their future.
• Parents and carers should be involved and have a crucial role to play in their children’s development.
• Wherever possible we should aim to empower people to develop the necessary resources in order to bring about positive changes in their lives.
• We work in partnership with all adults involved in the children’s or young people’s life, helping to build confidence, knowledge and skills regarding the best way to maximise social, emotional and academic outcomes for children and young people.
What we do:
• Education, health and care needs assessments
• Group consultations
• Preventative work and training
- Emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA) training and supervision
- Restorative Practice training for schools and LA colleagues
- Emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) training for schools and LA colleagues.

All qualified EPs, Health and Care Professions Council registered.
1 Time Square, Warrington, WA1 2NT
Warrington WA1 2NT, UK
Special Education Need and Disability (SEND)
Children and Young People
Frontline workers
Face to face
Last modified
8 December 2023

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