The primary objective of Contextual Safeguarding risk meetings is to make multi agency decision about all new Contextual Safeguarding referrals & Missing from Home (MFH) incidents to determine the level of risk. In addition, to decide if the referral should be sent to Children’s Social Care (CSC), Early Help, single agency or NFA.
This risk meeting will provide an environment in which agencies can share brief information linked to exploitation to aid in determining the risk posed to children at risk of sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, FGM, radicalisation and honour based violence and Children and Young People (C&YP) who Go Missing from Home.
Terms of Reference
The aim is to share & collate any multi agency information to determine the level of risk to (C&YP) at risk of MFH, Sexual Exploitation, Criminal Exploitation, FGM, Radicalisation and Honour Based Violence. Implement a multi-agency response, plan for any immediate risk identified on the day in relation children known to CSC and at risk of exploitation or any new referrals.
Meeting Attendees
The meeting will be chaired by the Contextual Safeguarding Lead and a Deputy is to be appointed. It will be attended by: MASH, Duty CIN Manager, Police, EH, Youth Service, Education Safeguarding, Health, We Are With You, Adults, Housing and YJS. This meeting can lead to a Referral to a Single Agency such as Education to complete a targeted piece of work, Early Help or Children’s Social Care.
The meeting will be held twice weekly initially and will replace CSOG. ALL C&YP who have had a completed CS Tool/assessment will be discussed.
Child Exploitation Screening/assessment will all be sent to the following inbox [email protected] for MFH notifications or RHI the following inbox is [email protected]
An agenda will be sent to all agencies the day prior to the risk meeting which will include all screening tools or MFH notifications
Agencies will each provide a high level overview of information relevant to decision making in relation to CS.
A risk level will be agreed at the meeting, where the YP meets level 4 equating to High Risk levels, the family will be referred CSC & a Strategy Meeting considered. If the outcome is level of risk is Medium (equating to a level 3/2) the family will also be offered a referral to CSC. If the level of risk is Low the family will be offered EH, if the family would not like to take up the offer of EH, the family will be signposted to Universal Services, such as School or Health, in some situations this may require a NFA.