Good mental wellbeing helps us to feel confident and content with who we are. It gives us a strong sense of self-worth and supports us in being able to cope with life's ups and downs.

Why does this matter?

Managing our mental wellbeing is important because it influences how we think and feel about ourselves, as well as how we think and feel about other people. Our mental wellbeing can impact on how we deal with the stresses and challenges of everyday life such as physical health problems, money worries, and coping with change.

It is important to connect with people and our communities, and to keep physically active to maintain good emotional health and wellbeing.

Help and support for emotional wellbeing and mental health

Need urgent help with your mental health?
Call the local 24/7 mental health crisis line on 0800 051 1508

  • Warrington Talking Points connect people, places and communities - no appointment is needed, just come along to a session for friendly advice and support
  • Text REACH to 85258 for 24/7 text support with your mental health
  • Warrington Wellbeing can support you with a range of wellbeing issues to help you to get back on track. Email the team at [email protected], or call 01925 248460 for help and support
  • Visit PAUSE, a safe community space where you can talk openly about your mental health free from stigma or judgement
  • Creative Remedies offer a range of activities to Warrington residents over the age of 18. Activities take place in a relaxed and friendly environment to help people improve their health and wellbeing. For more information call 01925 443555. 

Self-help resources and information

  • Happy OK Sad is Warrington’s online directory of services and supports a range of mental health issues, promotes good emotional health and wellbeing and provides access to bereavement support
  • NHS Every Mind Matters provides advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental wellbeing and make them part of your daily routine
  • The NHS’s Five Steps to Mental Wellbeing guide explains the five ways to wellbeing and how you can put this into practice to improve or maintain your emotional and physical wellbeing

NHS health and care app library

The NHS’s digital app library features a number of apps and information to help support mental health and wellbeing.

Below are just some of the apps you can access:

  • The Smiling Mind app helps support your mental health by guiding you through daily mindful meditation and sleeping practices
  • Relaxation and Mindfulness app helps support your mental health through music and guides that you listen to
4 July 2024