25 October – The council has now received the Inspectors’ Report and this marks the completion of the Warrington Local Plan 2021/22 – 2038/39 examination.
25 August 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- CD85 – SA SEA Proposed Main Modifications Addendum – August 2023
3 August 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- ID12 Inspectors' letter to Council August 2023
- OD13 Post Additional Hearing Note on behalf of Langtree Property Partners
- OD14 Errata Sheet MMC051 - Liberty Properties
The Inspectors are not accepting any further comments or written submissions.
25 July 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD78 Employment Land Supply Allocated v Required
- CD79 Note on St Helens Local Plan Employment land requirement and supply
- CD80 Note on redevelopment of sites and displacement
- CD81 Note on job density at Omega
- CD82 Note on breakdown of jobs density, floorspace and land requirements by sector
- CD83 Note on Employment Land take up by use
- CD84 Annual Monitoring Report 2022
14 July 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- OD11 Knowsley Local Plan Adopted Core Strategy
- OD12 Knowsley Local Plan Monitoring Report 2021-22
10 July 2023 - The second six week Main Modifications consultation period finished at 5pm on Wednesday 5 July 2023. The responses received by the council during this period, as with previous representations, have now been sent through to the independent Local Plan Inspectors for their consideration. All representations received are also available to view on the council’s Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan Main Modifications webpage.
The Inspectors are not accepting any comments on the Main Modification representations.
7 July 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD76 Examination Note - Parkside East and West
- CD77 Parkside SRFI Background Paper
6 July 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- IAM5 Agenda for additional hearing session on employment land
This can be found in the Matter Statements and Agenda Section.
Interested parties should also be aware that a number of other documents have also recently been added to the examination library:
- CD74 Homes and Communities Agency Employment Density Guide
- CD75 Response to Inspectors’ Question on AM5.01
- OD09 Halton Local Plan Inspector’s Report
- OD10 St Helens Local Plan Inspector’s Report
All hearing statements for the additional hearing session on employment land can also be found in the Matter Statements and Agendas section.
22 June 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID11 Hearing Programme for Additional Hearing 13 July 2023
Please could all participants check this document to see if you have been recorded properly and inform the programme officer immediately if any changes are required.
If you are participating in the hearing sessions and you have not informed the programme officer of who will be speaking at the hearings, please do so immediately. Only those listed on the hearing programme will be permitted to speak at the hearings.
21 June 2023 - Hearing statements for the Additional Hearing Session concerning the employment land requirement on 13 July 2023 have been added to the examination documents page. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that their submissions have been recorded correctly and contact the Programme Officer immediately with any queries.
5 June 2023 - Be advised that document ID10 Inspector’s Note for additional hearing 13 July 2023 has been updated and can be found in the examination library.
30 May 2023 – The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID10 Inspectors’ Note for additional hearing 13 July 2023
The Programme Officer has emailed all previous participants of Matter 5, if you participated in Matter 5 and have not received an email please contact the Programme Officer at [email protected]
24 May 2023 – We are aware that not everyone received notification of the consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications. We are therefore re-opening the consultation for a further 6 week period starting on Wednesday 24 May 2023 until 5pm on Wednesday 5 July 2023.
If you have already submitted representations on the Main Modifications following the previous consultation, there is no need to re-submit them. They have already been passed to the independent Planning Inspectors.
The Schedule of Main Modifications and supporting documentation can be viewed on the Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan Main Modifications webpage.
24 May 2023 - Following the Local Plan examination hearing sessions that took place between September 2022 and October 2022, the Inspectors have confirmed they wish to hold a further hearing session to specifically deal with the Plan’s overall employment land requirement under Matter 5 – Economic growth and development.
The further examination hearing session will be held on Thursday 13 July 2023 starting at 9.30 am at the Halliwell Jones Stadium, Mike Gregory Way, Warrington, WA2 7NE.
The Programme Officer will be separately contacting Participants for Matter 5 shortly to invite them to participate at the hearing session. Further details relating to the additional hearing will be added to the Local Plan Examination webpage ahead of the session.
5 May 2023 - The six week Main Modifications consultation period finished at 5pm on Wednesday 26 April 2023. The responses received by the council during this period have now been sent through to the independent Local Plan Inspectors for their consideration. All representations received are also available to view on the council’s Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan Main Modifications webpage.
Please note the Inspectors are not accepting any comments on the Main Modification representations.
15 March 2023 - We are now consulting on the Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan (2021 - 2038) Main Modifications. The six week consultation period starts on 15 March 2023 and finishes at 5pm on Wednesday 26 April 2023.
The Schedule of Main Modifications and supporting documentation can be viewed on the Council’s Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan Main Modifications webpage.
The following documents have been added to the Main Modifications webpage and the Examination Library webpage:
- ID09 – Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications 2023
- CD68 – Schedule of Amendments to Policies Map – UPSVLP 2021.
- CD69 – UPSVLP Amended Policies Map
- CD70 – Warrington Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum – March 2023
- CD71 – Warrington Local Plan – Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA)
- CD72 – Equalities Impact Assessment – March 2023
- CD73 – National Highways and Infrastructure Note – March 2023
3 February 2023 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- ID07 Inspectors' letter to Council regarding Main Modifications - February 2023
- ID08 Inspectors' Note - Outline of Main Modifications required - February 2023
The Inspectors are not accepting any comments on these documents.
In due course a schedule of proposed main modifications will be published for consultation. This consultation will provide the opportunity to comment on the proposed main modifications.
24 January 2023 The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- CD67 BE Group Response to ID06
The Inspectors are not accepting any comments on this document or in response to their letter of the 16 December 2022, ID06.
The examination is proceeding as set out in letter ID06 and in due course a schedule of proposed main modifications will be published for consultation. This consultation will provide the opportunity to comment on the proposed main modifications.
22 December 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- CD66 Council’s response to ID06 Inspectors’ post hearings letter
16 December 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID06 Inspectors' post hearings letter to Council Dec 2022
22 November 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- CD64 Local Housing Needs Assessment Update 2021 Sub-Area Profiles
18 November 2022 - The evidence base library has been updated with the following document:
- E10 - HRA Addendum Manchester Mosses SAC - November 2022
The following statement of common ground has been added to the examination documents page:
- SG11 SoCG between WBC, GMCA, PfE and Natural England
9 November 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD58 Note on land & premises purchased by WBC for regeneration purposes
- CD59 Note on Policy INF1 Implementation
- CD60 Glazebury Site Assessments
- CD61 Note clarifying approach to Green Belt between northern boundary of MD5 and Stockport Road
- CD62 Note on HRA Sensitivity Testing
- CD63 Note setting out available evidence to support need for NDSS
- OD07a Amended Natural England advice on review of Air Quality Assessment for Warrington Local Plan HRA
OD07a is an amended version of document OD07.
27 October 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD37a EIA Screening Decision
- CD50 Note on MD1 Green belt boundary
- CD51 Note on OS5 Green belt & site boundary
- CD52 Note on Matter 8 Small sites allowance
- CD53 Revised 5yr Housing land supply calculations and revised version of CD13a
- CD54 Note on Funding for town centre Infrastructure
- CD55 Note on SHLAA sites subject to concern over delivery
- CD56 Council's response to OD08 and OD08a
- CD57 Timescale for updated design and construction SPD
26 October 2022 - Additional Statements from participants of Matters 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, 5, 6b, 6c, 8 and 13 have been added to the examination documents page. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that they have been recorded correctly and contact the Programme Officer immediately with any queries
11 October 2022
Latest News 1:
During the hearing sessions for the local plan examination the Inspectors have asked Warrington Borough Council to provide various pieces of updated information.
As such, the Inspectors have instructed the Programme Officer to write to participants of Matters 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, 5, 6b, 6c and 8 advising them that the Inspectors are allowing brief statements on specific documents that have been recently produced by Warrington Borough Council in relation to the Inspectors’ requests for information.
If you attended one of the above sessions and have not received an email from the programme officer, please notify the programme officer.
Please do not submit any other information for the Inspectors as this will not be accepted.
Latest News 2:
During the closing session of the hearings, the Inspectors notified Warrington Borough Council that it had satisfied the duty to co-operate in relation to the preparation of the Local Plan. The Inspectors are now awaiting further information on a number of matters before determining the next steps for the examination. More information will be forthcoming when it is available.
10 October 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD37 Matter 7e Land to the north of Winwick - EIA Screening Request
- CD38 Timescales for delivery of the SEWUE”
6 October 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD35 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) 2022
- OD08 List of SHLAA sites in the defined town centre
- OD08a 2021 SHLAA sites in the town centre
6 October 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
5 October 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD32 Matter 6f - Note on Multi-modal growth
- CD33 Matter 7e & 9 Note on Self Build Register
- CD34 Biodiversity net gain. Good practice principles for development A practical guide (CIEEM)
4 October 2022 – The agendas for Matter 14 and HRA have now been published. These can be found in the examination documents page under Matter Statements and Agendas in their respective folders, the HRA agenda can be found in the Matter 1 folder.
4 October 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD29 Matter 6a Note on Western Link funding
- CD29a Matter 6a Letter from Faisal Rashid MP
- CD29b Matter 6a Response to Faisal Rashid MP
- CD30 Matter 6a Western Link Delivery Programme
- CD31 Matter 6c Fiddlers Ferry - Note for Inspectors Ecological Survey and Masterplan Delivery Programme
4 October 2022 – Please be advised that the agenda for Matter 11 has now been published. This can be found in the examination documents page under Matter Statements and Agendas in the Matter 11 folder
30 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- OD07 Natural England advice on review of Air Quality Assessment for Warrington Local Plan HRA 08.20
30 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD27 Note on revised HRA (Dec 2021) containing tracked changes
- CD28 Matter 6f Joint Statement on East-West Connectivity
30 September 2022 - If you are participating in Matters 9 to 14 and HRA, please be advised the programme officer will be sending electronic links to participants of these sessions. If you are listed on the hearing programme and have not received a link the day before the session is due to take place please contact the programme officer immediately.
If you wish to observe these session, links to the livestreams of these sessions can be found below:
Tuesday 4 October - 9.30am - Matter 10 Livestream
Tuesday 4 October - 2pm - Matter 12 Livestream
Wednesday 5 October- 9.30am - Matter 9 Livestream
Wednesday 5 October- 2pm - Matter 13 Livestream
Thursday 6 October- 9.30am - Matter 11 Livestream
Thursday 6 October- 2pm - Matter HRA and Matter 14 Livestream
27 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID03f Hearing Programme (as of 27th September 2022)
Please could all participants check this document to see if you have been recorded properly and inform the programme officer immediately if any changes are required
27 September - All interested parties should note that the resumption of Matter 3a on Friday 30 September will take place immediately following Andy Carter MP who is programmed to speak at 9.30am. It is requested that participants and observers should be seated for a 09.30am start.
27 September 2022 – The agendas for Matters 9, 10, 12 and 13 have now been published. These can be found in the examination documents page under Matter Statements and Agendas in their respective folders
26 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD10a Additional Note responding to Inspectors' Queries
- CD13a Note on Updated Housing Trajectory including 2022 monitoring data
- CD19 Note - Matter 1 Consultation Information
- CD20 Note - Matter 4 The relationship between the draft Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans
- CD21 Matter 5 Land at Barley Castle Lane Appeal Decision 02.11.20
- CD22 Matter 6e Copy of deed regarding restrictive covenants Thelwall Heys site
- CD23 Matter 6e Copy of Transport Note by Eddisons on behalf of Liberty Properties
- CD24 Matter 6e Copy of Heritage Impact Assessment Thelwall Heys site provided by Liberty Properties
- CD25 Matter 6d Inspectors Report Peel Hall Appeal Decision 01.10.18
- CD26 Matter 6f Note status of existing employment land adjoining SEWEA
General comments are not being sought by the inspectors for these documents
21 September 2022 - The agenda for Matter 8 has now been published. This can be found in the examination documents page under Matter Statements and Agendas in the Matter 8 folder
21 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD13 Note - Matters 3a Housing Trajectory breakdown
- CD14 Note - Matter 3b Omega Extension Appeal decision
- CD15 Note - Matter 4 Monitoring Job Growth & Housing Delivery
- CD16 Note - Matter 4 Affordable Housing
- CD17 Matter 6f Scoping Opinion - Site 2022-41634 Land at Barleycastle Lane
- CD18 Matter 6f Officer Report relating to Six56 site
General comments are not being sought by the inspectors for these documents.
20 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID03e Hearing Programme (as of 20th September 2022) (supersedes Week 3 and 4 of ID03 to ID03d)
20 September 2022 - The agendas for Matters 7a to 7e have now been published. These can be found in the examination documents page under Matter Statements and Agendas in their respective matters
20 September 2022 - Please be advised that Matters 7a to 7e and Matter 8 will no longer be taking place at the Council Chambers but will now be taking place at:
40/Twenty Lounge
East Stand
Halliwell Jones Stadium
Mike Gregory Way
These sessions will not be livestreamed now but there is sufficient seating to accommodate observers.
15 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD11 Green Belt Note
- CD12 Additional EDNA Site Assessment Note - Land North of Cliff Lane R18-P2-125c
General comments are not being sought by the Inspectors for these documents.“
14 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD09 - Note on IDP Schedule Warrington Western Link Scheme Matter 3c 090922
- CD09a - Western Link Information
- CD09b - IDP Update (2021) V2 12.09.22
- CD10 - Note on Employment Capacity of Development Land Matter 4 130922
The inspectors are not accepting comments on these documents from representors at this stage.
12 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- CD08 Matter 2 - References to Fiddlers Ferry Power Station
12 September 2022 - All interested parties should note that the resumption of Matter 3a will take place at 10am on Friday 30 September 2022 in:
40/Twenty Lounge
Halliwell Jones Stadium
Mike Gregory Way
The programme officer has contacted all participants of this session for them to confirm their attendance. If you have not been contacted and feel that you should have, please advise the programme officer as soon as possible.
7 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD05 Natural England letter 6-9-22
- CD06 HRA Addendum Manchester Mosses SAC August 22
- CD07 Technical Note HRA Issue
5 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
ID03d Hearing Programme (as of 5th September 2022) (Supersedes ID03, ID03a, ID03b and ID03c)
2 September 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID03c Hearing Programme (as of 2nd September 2022) (Supersedes ID03, ID03a and ID03b)
2 September 2022 - The agendas for Matters 1 to 5 have now been published. These can be found in the examination documents page under Matter Statements and Agendas in their respective matters
30 August 2022 – The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- OD03 - Halton delivery and allocation local plan
- OD04 – Halton delivery and allocation local plan policies maps
- OD05 – St Helens borough local plan up to 2037
- OD06 – St Helens borough local plan up to 2037 policies maps
24 August 2022 - The evidence base library has been updated with the following document:
GB6 – Implications of Green Belt Release Addendum – August 2022
22 August 2022 – All representors and interested parties should be aware that there have been some changes made to the programme timetable.
Matter 1, on Tuesday 6 September 2022, will no longer include Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) matters. These will now be discussed at 2:00 pm on Thursday 6 October 2022 at a new HRA session.
Matter 3, due to be held on Tuesday 6 September and Wednesday 7 September, has now been amended into 3 sessions:
Matter 3a Housing and Green Belt - Qs 1-18, 27–29
Tues 6 Sept pm – 1.00pm start
Which will cover:
- Housing (overall spatial strategy for housing, outlying settlements and adjacent to main urban area) – Qs 1-18 of MIQs
- Green Belt – Qs 27-29 of MIQ
Matter 3b Employment Land and Green Belt - Qs 19-26, 27-29
Weds 7 Sept am – 9.30am start
Which will cover:
- Employment land – Qs 19-26 of MIQs
- Green Belt – repeat Qs 27-29 of MIQs for those not there on Tues
Matter 3c Infrastructure and Viability - Qs 30-34, 35 -39
Weds 7 Sept pm – 2pm start
Which will cover:
- Overall approach to infrastructure – Qs 30-34 of MIQs
- Viability – Qs 35-39 of MIQs
Matter 3a will now start at 1pm. These sessions may run past 5pm
The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID03b Hearing Programme (as of 22 August 2022) (supersedes ID03 & ID03a)
Please could all participants check this document to see if you have been recorded properly and inform the programme officer immediately if any changes are required.
If you are participating in the hearing sessions and you have not informed the programme officer of who will be speaking at the hearings, please do so immediately. Only those listed on the hearing programme will be permitted to speak at the hearings.
19 August 2022 - The evidence base library has been updated with the following documents:
T8 - Local Transport Plan - Executive Summary 2019
T8a - Local Transport Plan Vision & Policies (Parts A&B) - 2019
T8b - Local Transport Plan Appendices (Part C) - 2019
T8c - Local Transport Plan - Sustainability Appraisal - 2019
T8d - Local Transport Plan - Strategic Environmental Assessment - 2019
T8e - Local Transport Plan - Evidence Base Review - 2019
T8f - Equalities Impact Assessment - 2019
T8g - Local Transport Plan Annual Progress Report - 2021
16 August 2022 – Statements of common ground have been added to the examination documents page.
12 August 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID05 - Programme Officer letter 2 to Respondents
12 August 2022 - Hearing statements for matters 7a to14 have been added to the examination documents page. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that they have been recorded correctly and contact the Programme Officer immediately with any queries.
11 August 2022 - The evidence base library has been updated with the following document:
- RL3 – Warrington town centre masterplan 2020
2 August 2022 - The evidence base library has been updated with the following document:
- E9 - HRA Addendum Manchester Mosses SAC - April 2022
29 July 2022 - Hearing statements for matters 1 to 6f have been added to the examination documents page. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that they have been recorded correctly and contact the programme officer immediately with any queries.
27 July 2022 - The evidence base library has been updated with the following documents:
- E8 – Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) 2020
- M8 – Marine Aggregates Capability and Portfolio 2020
22 July 2022 – The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- CD04 Regulation 24 Notice of Hearing Sessions – July 2022
21 July 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID03a Hearing Programme as of 21st July 2022 (supersedes ID03)
14 July 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- OD01 Peel Hall Appeal Decision 09.11.21
- OD02 Deed of Agreement - Peel Hall Warrington
27 June 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- CD02 Local Plan Site Allocation Site Profiles
- CD03 Local Plan Omission Site Profiles
24 June 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- ID04 - Programme Officer letter 1 to Respondents
This letter has been sent to those that submitted representations to WBC’s Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan 2021 consultation which took place between Monday 4 October and Monday 15 November 2021. Only those that made a submission during this time are entitled to participate in the hearing sessions and have been asked in the letter to let the programme officer know no later than 5pm on Friday 8 July 2022 detailing which session(s) they wish to participate in.
The key dates are:
- 5pm on Friday 8 July 2022 Strict deadline to advise me if you wish to participate in the hearings and detail which hearing session(s) you would like to take part in.
- 5pm on Friday 22 July 2022 Strict deadline for the submission of statements to the programme officer for matters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6a-6f (weeks 1 and 2 of the hearings)
- 5pm on Friday 5 August 2022 Strict deadline for the submission of statements to the programme officer for the remaining matters (weeks 3 and 4 of the hearings)
- 9.30am on Tuesday 6 September Date of first hearing. For subsequent hearing dates, please refer to ID03 Hearings Programme
23 June 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following documents:
- ID01 Inspectors’ Guidance Notes
- ID02 Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs)
- ID03 Hearings Programme as of 23 June 2022
15 May 2022 - The examination library has been updated with the following document:
- CD01 Annual Monitoring Report 2021 – Supersedes SP4 – May 2022
6 May 2022 – Inspectors Kevin Ward BA(Hons) MRTPI and Andrea Mageean BA(Hons) BPl PhD MRTPI have been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Warrington local plan 2021-2038, as confirmed in the appointment letter below. The inspectors will now liaise with the programme officer and the council to review all of the information submitted for examination and raise any questions they may have before identifying matters and issues for discussion at the hearings as part of the examination in public.