The scheme

We're proposing several junction improvements, including walking and cycling improvements, within the west Warrington area to support the development of the Omega and Lingley Mere development sites. 

The plan

Omega Local Highways plan

The vast majority of the funding for these improvements will come from developers, Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership Local Growth Fund and the Department for Transports National Productivity Investment Fund. You can view the proposals below.

If you require additional information or would like to be added to the email mailing list to receive consultation and traffic management updates, get in touch at [email protected].

Omega Local Highways Phase 1 - Completed September 2021

The scheme

Improvements are planned at the junctions of Lingley Green Avenue/Omega Boulevard and Lingley Green Avenue/Great Sankey Neighbourhood Hub. These will support development within the West Warrington area by reducing congestion and improve facilities for pedestrian and cyclists.

The improvements include:

  • New pedestrian and cyclist crossings
  • New shared foot and cycle paths
  • Widened sections of road


Construction of these improvements will begin in June 2020 and be complete in February 2021.


A budget of £6.5 million is available for the scheme. We’ll be contributing approximately £1m of this overall cost with remaining contributions provided by:

  • Omega Warrington Limited
  • Lingley Mere Business Park Development Company
  • The Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership via a successful Local Growth Fund Bid 
Omega Local Highways Phase 2B - Completed November 2021

The Scheme

The junction of A57 Liverpool Road and Lingley Green Avenue currently experiences heavy peak hour traffic. 

Our proposals include:

  • The widening of Lingley Green Avenue (southbound) and Liverpool Road (eastbound) to create additional road capacity on the approach to the junction
  • Upgrade existing crossing facilities on Lingley Green Avenue and Liverpool Road to pedestrian/cycle (toucan) crossings
  • Upgraded shared foot/cycleway along Lingley Green Avenue northbound

Compulsory purchase order

On 7 January 2019, we formally made The Warrington Borough Council (A57 Liverpool Road/Lingley Green Avenue – Junction Improvements) Compulsory Purchase Order 2019 under Sections 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) and Section 19 and Schedule 3 to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.

The order was submitted to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation on 17 January 2019 and, in exercise of his powers under the above acts, was confirmed with modifications by the Secretary of State for Transport on 18 June 2019. The Order authorises us to compulsorily purchase land and new rights for the purpose of:

  • Localised widening of the A5280 Lingley Green Avenue (Southbound) for a distance of 100m to form separate left and right turn lanes at the stopline;
  • Localised widening of the A57 Liverpool Road (eastbound) for a distance of 80m to form separate left and ahead lanes at the stopline;
  • Upgrade of existing pedestrian crossing on Lingley Green Avenue to a toucan crossing (suitable for both pedestrians and cyclists);
  • Relocation and upgrade of the existing pedestrian crossing to a toucan crossing on Liverpool Road to the east of Lingley Green Avenue;
  • Retention of existing advanced stoplines for cyclists; and
  • Provision of additional dropped kerbs to facilitate use of toucan crossings for cyclists.

A person aggrieved by the order may, by application to the High Court, challenge its validity under section 23 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981. The grounds for challenge can be that the authorisation granted by the order is not empowered to be granted or that there has been a failure to comply with any relevant statutory requirement relating to the order.


The cost of this scheme is £2.5m. The majority of this will be funded by the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership and the Department for Transport National Productivity Investment Fund, following the submission of successful funding bids.

Omega Local Highways Phase 3C

As part of the planning process for the Omega development, funding for improvements to the junction of Whittle Avenue/Westbrook Way were secured.

The first stage of improvements were completed in April 2019 with the widening of Burtonwood Road southbound. The remainder of the proposals are currently being developed and Warrington Borough Council are in the process of determining the appropriate proposals for the Burtonwood Road/Westbrook Way Roundabout.

Once the proposals have been developed further, information will be provided for such items as scheme programme/milestones and public consultation events


A proportion of £8.2m has been secured from Omega Warrington Limited for improvements in this location.


Public consultation has been undertaken for the following projects:

  • Omega Local Highways Phase 1
  • Omega Local Highways Phase 2B 
  • Omega Local Highways Phase 3B

The consultation reports:

11 November 2022