Flooding in Warrington
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Our Advisers are here to help you make that next step into education, training or employment. Whether you would like a change of career or you have been out of work for a while, we can help you. We can provide information and advice on education and training opportunities and offer practical advice on how to search and apply for jobs.
You can also look for work in a number of different ways:
There are lots of different ways to write a CV and many different styles, so it’s important to pick one that highlights your skills and experience in the best way possible. There are many different ‘CV builder’ websites, some of which are free. You should take a look at a few different types to make sure you pick the best one for your needs.
If you need some advice on how to update your CV just get in touch, our Advisers are happy to help.
Whilst looking for work, if you would like to gain some experience you may want to consider voluntary work. This looks great on your CV as it demonstrates commitment and motivation and enables you to gain some valuable work experience and skills. There are lots of volunteering opportunities on the Do It website www.doit.life/volunteering and Royal Voluntary Service www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/